
How long in traffic school? You should be able to complete online traffic school California in about 2-3 hours maximum depending upon your reading ability. The courses are not timed, there are about 12 chapters of information but because you know the information already you can mostly skim through the information. There is a simple four question quiz after each chapter with unlimited re-trys. It is very similiar to reading the California drivers handbook, most of the information comes directly from it. You can sign-up to traffic school here for only $14.95. How much is traffic school? The cost of traffic school is consists of a court-fee that is between $50 to $60 depending upon the courthouse your ticket is assigned to and a separate course fee charged by the traffic school. The court keeps the entirely their fee for administrative purposes. When you have completed Easy Traffic School Online there is a course fee of $14.95, some traffic schools charge more and have added fees that are optional but do nothing to speed the court or make the court look at your completion any faster. Courts look at completion certificates on their own schedule but always process your certificate for the day you completed the final test regardless of the day or time the court looks at the electronic completion.

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