TNPSC VAO Exam study Materials 2014
General Knowledge Questions with Answers
1Jacqueline VDU Prey is a master on what instrument cello2Who wrote the music for Showboat Jerome Kern
3Who said sex is a bad thing it rumples the clothes Jacqueline Kennedy Tonsils
4The average Manhattan wife takes 14 minutes to do what in bed Turn off Light
5Which animal sleeps with one eye open Dolphin
6Sandra Wes of Texas died in 1977 was buried in what Her blue Ferrari
7What happened to the man who tried to hang himself over river Rope broke – drowned in river
8After sex what does the female marine bristle worm do Bites off eats penis
9What nationality was Pontius Pilot by birth Scottish - Forting ale nor Dunked
10The average person spends 12 years of their life doing what Watching TV