TNPSC Group 4 Hall tickets 2014 with study materials
General Knowledge Questions with Answers
1What do the quarters of a hot cross bun symbolize Seasons2What is the literal translation of terrapin Eatable (Algonquin word)
3What to a French or Spanish man is an OVNIUFO
4What is it against the law to kill in Pacific Grove California Butterflies – local ordinance 352
5Ernest Hemingway said what would protect against allergies Having lots of sex
6The Gettysburg Address was written on what Used envelopes
7Collective nouns - a siege of Herons
8Who was banned from writing USA Constitution - secret Jokes Benjamin Franklin
9The 9 banded armadillo and humans have what in common Both catch Leprosy
10How did Attila the Hun die on honeymoon Booze – Honeymoon 30 day booze up