

Featured 1

Curabitur et lectus vitae purus tincidunt laoreet sit amet ac ipsum. Proin tincidunt mattis nisi a scelerisque. Aliquam placerat dapibus eros non ullamcorper. Integer interdum ullamcorper venenatis. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

Featured 2

Curabitur et lectus vitae purus tincidunt laoreet sit amet ac ipsum. Proin tincidunt mattis nisi a scelerisque. Aliquam placerat dapibus eros non ullamcorper. Integer interdum ullamcorper venenatis. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

Featured 3

Curabitur et lectus vitae purus tincidunt laoreet sit amet ac ipsum. Proin tincidunt mattis nisi a scelerisque. Aliquam placerat dapibus eros non ullamcorper. Integer interdum ullamcorper venenatis. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

Featured 4

Curabitur et lectus vitae purus tincidunt laoreet sit amet ac ipsum. Proin tincidunt mattis nisi a scelerisque. Aliquam placerat dapibus eros non ullamcorper. Integer interdum ullamcorper venenatis. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

Featured 5

Curabitur et lectus vitae purus tincidunt laoreet sit amet ac ipsum. Proin tincidunt mattis nisi a scelerisque. Aliquam placerat dapibus eros non ullamcorper. Integer interdum ullamcorper venenatis. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

28.TNPSC Exams Applications for all jobs 2014

TNPSC Exams Applications for all jobs 2014

26) Fill in the blank:
          I had --------------------- bananas for my lunch
                a) the    b) an  c) some   d) none
27) Fill in the blank with suitable article:
           He was elected ------------------ Chairman of the Board
              a) a   b) the  c) an  d) no article
28) Fill in the blank:
         The police found ---------------- thief who stole the car
              a) a    b) an  c) some   d) the
29) Fill in the blank with suitable article:
            ---------------------- European Journalist came
             a) a   b) the  c) an  d) no article
30) Fill in the blank with suitable article:
          -------------- sun is a star
            a) an  b) a   c) no article   d) the

28.TNPSC Exams Hall Tickets 2014

TNPSC Exams Hall Tickets 2014

1)Match the following words in Column A with their meanings in
   Column B and select the correct answer from the codes given  
                   column  A                             column B
         1) esteem                                  a) risk
          2) hazard                                   b) damage
          3) havoc                                     c) cancel
          4) Invalidate                              d) honour
             1    2   3   4
       a)    a   d   c       b
       b)     b   c   d    a
       c)     c    b   d   a
       d)     d    a    b   c

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